Equality & Equity In Education Delivery
We strive to overcome all forms of inequality, exclusion and discrimination in education.
A driver of social justice, sustainable development, individual and collective freedom and joy of learning together
Education in emergencies
For people in Somalia and Puntland particularly affected by emergencies and protracted crises.
Campaign for publicly funded equitable and, inclusive free quality education, including the need to improve domestic and international financing.
Who We Are
Puntland Network on Education for All (PUNTNEFA) is an independent, non-profit, and non-political coalition consisting of networks, non-governmental organizations, community-based organizations and associations which are interested in education in the Puntland and Somalia as whole. Established in 2012 with the main goal of promoting access to and quality of free primary education for all Somali children boys and girls alike, PUNTNEFA seeks to unite the efforts of civil society to ensure the accomplishment of the goals of Education for All and SDG4.
The Network is an active member in several education forums in Somalia and globally including Global Campaign for Education (GCE), Education Cluster Meetings, Puntland European Diaspora Associations Network PEDAN). PUNTNEFA plays key role in development of education sector reforms in Somalia and Puntland particularly. It closely works with the Puntland Ministry of Education and Higher Education and FGS Ministry of Education, Culture and Higher Education and is registered as national coalition contributing to education.
The PUNTNEFA is a very large civil society movement working to promote the human right to education and to puts pressure on government to fulfill its commitments to provide free, inclusive, quality public education and lifelong learning for all, particularly for children.
Area of Focus
Our Interest lies in Education in Putland and Somali as a whole
Established in 2012 with the main goal of promoting access to and quality of free primary education for all Somali children boys and girls alike, PUNTNEFA seeks to unite the efforts of civil society to ensure the accomplishment of the goals of Education for All and SDG4.
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